The Salame Italiano Menatti is processed and cured according to the best Italian charcuterie tradition to offer the most classic typologies. The Salame Italiano production starts from a mix of pork meat and fat, seasoned with salt and spices that vary according to the different recipes. When the Salame is finished, it spends some time in a drying room and then goes to the actual aging. During the centuries, the production of Italian Salami has evolved in different varieties, forming an actual families, with specialties in every region. The various types of Salame Menatti are different in the meat grinding and in the spices and ingredients that contribute to give to every single typology a unique personality. The Salami Menatti are made of selected pork meat carefully seasoned with spices and natural flavors; made in various typologies typical of our traditional charcuterie, they do not contain gluten, milk byproducts and lactose. Menatti offers to the consumer various specialties: Nostrano, Salame Milano, Spianata Romana Dolce, Spianata Piccante, Ventricina Piccante, Salsiccia Piccante, Campagnolo and Salametto, all available in different shapes and sizes.

- 100% meat from selected farms
- Gluten-free
- No milk byproducts